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How Swappy Fees work

An dive into how Swappy takes its fees on the Free and Starter plan, the fees themselves, and more!

Bitzer avatar
Written by Bitzer
Updated over a week ago

First off... why?

The fees we take are necessary to cover the operational costs of running Swappy, maintaining high security standards, and ensuring a seamless user experience. These fees also support ongoing development, allowing us to introduce new features and improvements to the platform.

If you'd like to further help us on our mission, consider purchasing a Paid Plan! You can get your own Custom Bot, NO FEES, and more!

How much do you take?

Free/Basic Plan:
- $0.50 + 3% Fee over each exchange

Starter Plan:
- $0.25 + 1.25% over each exchange
Platinum Plan:
- NO FEES on ANY exchange!

How do you take your fees?

We take our fee from your server stock/balance on each client deposit. For example, let's use the Free Plan.

Let's say you have not added any stock to your server, and a client of yours attempts to deposit $100. Your server stock would go in the negative, since you have not added any stock yet. And with the Free Plan, that fee would be $3.50, making your Server Stock -$3.50

If you have further questions, please send us a message via Live Chat for support!

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